The Mainechica

How we painted our 3 family Victorian Home, Staying safe and on the ground!


Hello there!! Hope you are all well and enjoyed this sunny day!! On my last post I mentioned we had a dilema with inspection report findings! The main concern was scraping and painting peeling paint on exterior trim and entry stairs and porches!!! I was abit anxious about the ordeal because I thought it would be a difficult job, but I’m very grateful to say we took care of most of the painting today!! Yay!! We may have a few hours more to do but it’s mostly done!!

One of my concerns was the height of our apartment buiding!! We Have a three story Victorian!! But no worries, we found a way!! The solution  was using long extention painting poles, brushes and small rollers! In some places a ladder was used, glad my husband is morn afraid of heights!! I am!! We consulted with our painting friend Rick,  who also helped today who helped us with this form of painting, apparently most painters use this tool to paint tall buildings!!  I couldn’t believe my eyes!! Very cool!!

You can purchase these at Home Depot, Lowes’s or online…. we had no idea! Here’s a similar item on, click on image for more Info.. what a wonderful tool!!

So my hubby managed to be safe and do most of the high trim from the ground!! So cool!! I think the neighbors were amused too! They had funny looks on their faces when they walked by!! 😂

E6EBC360-4449-401D-8172-FD5F78E87C8B Only bad part of this project is that my son was sick with a high fever that continued into today, so my attention was abit , divided….poor fella and I managed to do the long fire escape but I didnt feel good either!! Boo! Hoo¡! But I am happy I could contribute alittle¡! My kiddos stayed in watching cartoons while I worked 🙂 glad tv is so entertaining¡! They were supposed to go to a friends house so I could finish cleaning out the junk room but that’s ok, this worked out fine¡!

Here is the fire escape I prepped and painted!! It was a lot of work..  The before and after pictures!

Fall & Winter can be rough on stairways, even if you remove the leaves and shovel Snow off of it, As you can see!!

Before you paint it’s so important to prep the area, sweep, clean, scrape and vacuum if needed to make sure paint adheres to the surface!! This was really just a touch up but I made sure to remove any mold, and dirt… there was even a spot up high on the platform where leaves had collected and packed in between wood slats! What do you guys think? what a difference alittle elbow grease and paint can make, right!!

So we got a lot accomplished today and saved a lot of money doing our own painting and hiring alittle help too! Glad we decided on doing the work ourselves! So if you have an exterior project needing to be done, it is possible…it may take some time but slowly but surely and with the right tools… you’ll be on your way!! Happy painting¡!

Have a wonderful evening, thanks for following, visiting, Sharing and liking 🙂 Hope this helps with your projects!!

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