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Update on possible, opossum story!


Good afternoon!! Hope you are all well!! It was a scorcher today, but off we went for our walk!! It was nice getting out, we used our umbrellas to cool off a bit, it helped!!!.. we almost brought Bruno along but I’m finding he pulls so much when we walk as a group… so back home he went!!

Although this post is abit sad it’s also meant to be informative 🙂


Sadly we got some sad news yesterday about the opossum we named Possible, he was apx 3 months old and found injured in our woods. Unfortunately he had to be put down!! The gal at the wildlife rehabilitation center had mentioned she thought he was paralyzed but hoped he’d get better but sadly he didn’t. His conditioned worsened!! So even though he was put down, at least he isn’t suffering any longer. We were saddened at first but we feel good knowing we tried to help. He was so cute, and one thing we learned is that although opossums look scary they really are mostly harmless.

When we first found out it could be paralyzed, we did alittle research about them. My 10 yr old daughter was so sad, with tears in her eyes she asked if we could keep him. Aww poor thing. Here’s what we learned though; to keep an opossum as a pet legally you would need a wildlife rehabilitation permit required by your state. We learned that they are nocturnal, suffer from diseases common to them and life expectancy is very short. One year to 2 in captivity. So it seems that they do better left in the wild, or rehabilitated then released 🙂

Jen the Rehabilitator has an opossum that can’t be released into the wild, so she uses him as an ambassador for educational purposes and he’s taken to schools!! So cool! Some people have them as pets and can care for these special creatures, that’s neat too!! Kudos to you!! If you’ve had one as a pet I’d love to hear your experiences. Jen the Rehabilitator loves opossums, she has 27 babies she’s caring for right now, so cute!!

Another thing we learned from this experience is that opossum moms are so cute and they eat ticks! We love the way the’s hang from their mom!! Also opossums are great to hang around your yard if you have one like mine with woods and lots of ticks! So next time we see an opossum or know of any around we hope they have a happier ending because this family loves opossums 🙂

Thanks for visiting, have a wonderful day!!


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